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Effective holistic

Swedish Consultation responsible for the entire process from demand for knowledge implemented skills exchange.>>

Safe score

Swedish Consultations success based on quality, safety and seriousness.>>


Swedish Consultations employees in Stockholm and Riyadh always provide excellent service to our students, customers and partners.>>

Welcome to Swedish Consultation! We offer skills development through skills exchange between the Nordic countries and the Middle East in five areas.

Swedish Consultation is the leading company in the Nordic countries in the export of Swedish education in medicine, social sciences, humanities and technology to the Middle East. Through good co-operation with training partners in the Nordic region we can arrange training to students from the Middle East.

Swedish Consultation will also provide advice on business between Sweden and the Middle East. Our multi-cultural experience and medical expertise is an asset in the delivery of health care and medical equipment to the Middle East.
Sabah Salih, MD