
Qualitative caregivers

Swedish Consultation work with qualified health care providers in Sweden.>>

The patient in focus

Swedish Consultations will receive queries from patients with all kinds of diagnoses.>>


Swedish Consultations qualitative whole thinking about the arrangements, medical care and follow-up to make the patient safe.

Swedish Consultations qualitative helhetstÃ-link fringe events, medical care ¥ rd and up the ¶ SALES GÃ ¶ r patient safe. The patient focuses on the ¥ to be healthy and hospital read gger weight ¥ treatment.

Swedish Consultation follows an established process - from patient records and hospital site, quote (treatment, rehabilitation, cost), invitations, accommodation and visits, interpreter and transport to the patient. When treatment is completed, the patient's records translated from Swedish into English. Follow-up Conversation with the patient and the hospital will help to develop the quality of our work.